Monday, February 6, 2012

Picture Post

So I accidentally looked at the score of the Super Bowl before we watched the game, but it looks like we won't be able to download it in time so I guess it doesn't matter. Certainly looks exciting. As promised, here are some pictures I took recently.

This one is from the meeting that I wrote about in my last post. The guy that I am working with on waste management is sitting at the table facing everyone else.

This one is of my sitemate, Justin, who you may remember from that picture where he was biting that lamb. Like a live lamb.

This is a picture of the field next to the big one that I work with. They are doing a really good job with using Peace Corps techniques and you can see that stuff is growing really well.
This is my room post-reflooring and other renovations. It's nice now. 
This is the flooring I got. It's pretty serious.
So some quotes: 

"Excuse me, do you know how to get to the base in Alameda? It's where they keep the Nuclear wessels."

1 comment:

  1. Really, really, nice to hear from you Noah. Your bedroom looks nice.
